Recent Publications in peer Reviewed Journals
Qorraj, Gazmend., Hajrullahu, A., & Qehaja, D. (2024). Absorption capacity and the European integration of the Western Balkans. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 100043.
Qorraj. G and Bajraliu.A (2023). The impact of COVID-19 on the EU and transition countries; Does Political orientation matter on economic policies? Inter EULaw East West. Journal for International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations: Vol. 10. Number 2, 2023.
Bajraliu, A and Qorraj, G (2023). Digital Transformation's Impact on Sustainable HR Management: Comparative Study of Work-Life Balance and Skill Development in Public versus Private Sectors of a Developing Country. Public Policy and Administration. 2023, Vol. 22, Nr. 1.
Ciccone, G, Trunk N, Qorraj, G and Bajraliu. A,(2023). Online education during COVID-19 in the Western Balkans: a case study of a university in Kosovo. International Journal of Management in Education; 2023 Vol.17 No.6, pp.541 – 565.
Qorraj, Gazmend and Kaçaniku, Fjolla. (2023): Exploring Digital Transformation of Teacher Education in the Western Balkans: Case of Kosovo, Human Systems Management, vol.42, no, 2, pp 209-217, 2023.
Qorraj, G., Krasniqi, B. & Jusufi, G. (2022). Academic freedom and higher education governance in the Western Balkans: The case of Kosovo. Issues in Educational Research, Journal. 32(3), 1092-1110.
Qorraj, G, Jusufi, G.. (2021): Does EU Trade Integration support export promotion in the Western Balkans, Inter EULaw East West. Journal for International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations: Vol. 7. Number 2, 2020.
Suada, A. & Qorraj, Gazmend (2020): The Impact of the EU Programmes on the Western Balkans. Inter EULaw East West. Journal for International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations; Vol. 7, Issue 1.2020.
Qorraj, G & Jusufi, G. (2019): EU vs. Local Market Orientation: Western Balkan Entrepreneurs’ Challenge. EBER - Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, Vol.7, Nr. 4. 2019.
Ajdarpasic, S & Qorraj, G. (2019): Does University Performance matters for the EU programmes in the SEE: Horizon 2020. Management - Journal of Contemporary Management Issues. Vol. 26, Issue 2. 2019.
Qorraj. G. and Jusufi G. (2018): The EU Stabilization and Association Agreement for the Western Balkans: challenges and opportunities: CIRR, Croatian International Relations Review. Issue Vol.24. No. 81.
Qorraj. Gazmend. (2018): Towards European Union or Regional Economic Area: Western Balkans in crossroad. Our Economy - Journal of Contemporary Issues in Economics and Business, Issue 1, Vol. 64.
Qorraj. G. and Jusufi G (2018): Regional integration of the Western Balkans: Regional Economic Area or Creative Destruction Idea: Revue Management & Gouvernance Journal, Nr. 21. Paris, 2018.
Qorraj. G and S. Ajdarpasic (2017): BREXIT Implications for the EU enlargement of the Western Balkans: EIS European Integration Studies Journal. October, No.11.2017.
Qorraj. Gazmend. (2017): Entrepreneurial Ventures under Information Asymmetry in Transition Countries; DRMJ. Dynamic Relationship Management Journal; May, Vol 6. Nr 1.
Qorraj. Gazmend. (2017): Does Education Matters for Entrepreneurship Activities: Case of Kosovo; IJMKL. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning; Vol 6. Issue 1.
Koman M, Prasnikar J, and Qorraj, G (2010): The Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: A case of Kosovo; Journal of Transformation in Business and Economics, Vol.9. N.3. (21).
Qorraj, Gazmend,.(2010): Integrating the Western Balkans into the European Union: Overcoming Political and Economic Constraints; Journal of European Perspective for Western Balkans, 2010, Vol.2 N 2.
Book Chapters
Qorraj. Gazmend. (2017): ’’How we might recover from the economic and social crisis through European integration deepening’’ chapter in DE QUADROS & SIDJANSKI (coord.), THE FUTURE OF EUROPE - the reform of the eurozone and the deepening of political union. AAFDL - Lisbon Law University, 2017.p.429.
Qorraj. Gazmend. (2016): Economic Cooperation as a way toward reconciliation and EU Integration for Kosovo and Serbia.” Kosovo and Serbia: Contested Options and Shared Consequences, edited by L. Mehmeti & B.Radeljić. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, US pp. 196–215.
Koman M, Prasnikar J, Drenkovska, Qorraj, G (2007): Characteristics of Entrepreneurs and self-employed in SEE: evidence from Kosovo and Macedonia; Reconstruction of enterprises and globalization. Casnik Finance, Slovenia, P.385.